Top 5 Tropical House Plants to Enhance Your Life

Wanna add a little jungle to your life?

Even those of us without a green thumb can add some nature to our indoor spaces with ease. It’s best to focus on the most bang for your buck. So here are some of the easiest, but most tropical looking, varieties to add some Tropical Vibes to your home:

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa

Well known for its iconic leaf shape, this beauty became popular in the 1970s. Often sold with a moss pole so it can grow with some support. (make your own moss pole!) As the plant grows, the taller leaves develop perforations to allow light to travel down to the new baby leaves. Awww….sweet. It enjoys bright indirect light and can grow up to 8 feet! Be cautious as its leaves are toxic to pets and other small creatures. But toxic leaves...that so exotic, am I right?

Majesty Palm

There are a lot of palms to choose from and they are all a bit different. My personal favorite is the Majesty Palm, for its stunning long fronds that just scream for you to make a Mai Tai. And since it’s an easy one to find, most likely at your local big box home store, it’s easily accessible. It does enjoy bright indirect light and humidity, so maybe your sunny bathroom or kitchen could use some palm vibes?

Variegated Snake Plant

Variegated Snake Plant

This wins the easiest plant award by a long shot. It’s so easy that you probably should set a reminder in your phone to check on it occasionally. It does enjoy medium light, but I’ve found it does well even in low light settings. Just rotate it regularly. You know it’s a true friend because it purifies your air for you. Thanks little friend! It also has a striking wild grass vibe. Win all around.

Golden Pothos

This was my very first plant crush. Back in third grade, my teacher gave us each our own starter plants and we cared for them in the classroom. By the end of the year, my long vine-y friend came home with me and just kept growing year after year. Eventually it went to college with me. Some varieties vine more than others, but just know that these deep green shiny leaves will not disappoint. It’s fine with low to bright indirect light, just make sure it has enough well drained soil and water it often. It’s cool like that.


A Few Different Succulents

Ok, you’re right, that’s not just one plant, but in general this group of plants are easy and can be gathered in a box to soak up sun in the window of your favorite room. Gather up some Echeveria, Haworthia and maybe some Aloe Vera and look out. It's such a great way to bring the warm weather vibes into any home. Easy, cheap, and exotic…Yes Please.

Want more? Here's a great article on getting started with succulents.

Don’t be intimidated when you see those overgrown living rooms, al la Hilton Carter. Even he started with his first plant crush, Frank, the fiddle leaf fig. Start small and watch your little hobby turn into an obsession before you can say "hand me my watering can". Now go, grow!