The Midwest Escapist

Midwest Exotica. Not words you normally see paired together. But to Roland Remington, they go together like a monkey in a fez. I was so excited to find someone playing classic Exotica in my home state of Michigan, I had to catch up with this mysterious man with the mallets to find out how he ended up playing music from the 1950s on vintage instruments.

Are you drinking more rum lately? Find yourself listening to Martin Denny more often? You might have a bad case of Tiki Fever. Yes, that's right. But don't worry, it'll all be OK. But a main symptom of this condition is being ready to take the necessary steps adorn yourself with tropical vibes from head to toe. No problem. It just takes a few key pieces to get you there.

WestCoast Goods is part of a midlife journey towards something better. Some place better. We've started this journey under a drab Michigan sky, looking West to the beaches of Hawaii, the Tiki Bars of Southern California and San Francisco, and the boho vibes of the Pacific Northwest. We love our home state of Michigan, but we wanted to remind ourselves, and our friends, that all these things exist here in some form or another. Even if they thrive most vividly in our minds and imaginations.

Tiki Bars are painted with beautiful glowing lights seeping in from every corner of the room. I'd suggest that lighting is the most important part of a Tiki space's atmosphere. Take a warm, colorful glow and wrap it in themed textures, materials, and patterns and you move quickly into the realm of magic, escape, and fantasy.

I wanted to talk with someone who helps create these pieces, so I caught up with MaryBeth Darin, a creator of custom Tiki lights from Michigan.

In the 80's being called a Poseur was the worst insult you could imagine. Maybe it still is, I don't know. But the longer I've lived the more I've realized that this word, which was previously such a put-down, is actually an admirable trait. Or at least it can be if it's done correctly. So, here's your handbook to becoming the best poseur you can be.

Even those of us without a green thumb can add some nature to our indoor spaces with ease. It’s best to focus on the most bang for your buck. So here are some of the easiest, but most tropical looking, varieties to add some Tropical Vibes to your home.

The Boho label is getting slapped on everything these days. But the more I see, the more I feel the need to ask: What exactly is Boho in 2023? How is it different than the descriptor that lives in my head? And if Boho is about life's journey, maybe you’re more Boho than you thought.

Tiki culture is all about the rum, right? RIGHT? Evan begs to differ. He is just one of many who are questioning whether alcoholic cocktails are a necessary component of a modern Tiki Bar and whether living a sober Tiki experience can be just as fun and satisfying as the boozy experience that most of us come to expect.

It's winter in the Midwest and it's cold outside. You need to recapture those Tropical Vibes ASAP. Here's our top 6 ideas for Midwest Tropical Escapism: