Boho & Fashion

Are you drinking more rum lately? Find yourself listening to Martin Denny more often? You might have a bad case of Tiki Fever. Yes, that's right. But don't worry, it'll all be OK. But a main symptom of this condition is being ready to take the necessary steps adorn yourself with tropical vibes from head to toe. No problem. It just takes a few key pieces to get you there.

The Boho label is getting slapped on everything these days. But the more I see, the more I feel the need to ask: What exactly is Boho in 2023? How is it different than the descriptor that lives in my head? And if Boho is about life's journey, maybe you’re more Boho than you thought.

It's winter in the Midwest and it's cold outside. You need to recapture those Tropical Vibes ASAP. Here's our top 6 ideas for Midwest Tropical Escapism: